For Sale

Our collection

Purchasing a vintage car is a delicate matter. There are not only numerous different brands to choose from, but also options spanning various decades and models within each brand. Furthermore, it can often be challenging to discern the difference in quality between models that may appear identical at first glance. At Terrijn Classics, we have chosen to specialize and focus exclusively on Mercedes-Benz. This allows us to assist you in finding the best quality within your budget and ensures our in-depth knowledge of the brand.

Having worked with the same model repeatedly, day in and day out, we have gained a deep understanding of what distinguishes a good car from a poor one. As a result, we are well-versed in the strengths and weaknesses of each model, knowing where the pain points and trouble areas lie.

We also maintain our own stock of various models, each carefully selected and acquired because they are exceptional vehicles. This enables us to consistently offer our customers the best quality within their budget. In this way, you can visit us in person to see, feel, and hear which models, colors, and options align best with your preferences. If we have together identified what is important to you but the car you seek is not among our stock, no worries. We are more than willing to specifically search for and acquire the vehicles requested by our customers.